
Soul & Wines

We love people and wines that can express their character. Almavin is meant to be a bridge that connects both

Discover our collection

Own Wines

I’ve been involved in wine production for more than 20 years now, I’m proud to introduce Valdencanto a sustainable project focused on keeping the original biodiversity within an extreme, wild and elevated place.

Curated Wines

These wines are a special selection made by myself.

All wines

We look for small producers, that can convey the hard work they did in a bottle of wine. For us Mother Nature is above all.

More than Wine

Vintium brings original ideas to carry the wines with identity.
100% original leather hand-crafted and hand-cut makes every piece a one-of-a-kind



And also meet the Alma-lovers
Women Wine Passion in Florida

Women’s Wine passion in Florida!  As young women, we found that Almavin can show us the path to know more about wine passion.

Agustina and Lucia | South Florida
And also meet the Alma-lovers

I love the way Almavin approaches the wine matter, I always try to learn more, here I found support and simplicity in what they deliver.

Mario | Miami, FL
And also meet the Alma-lovers

Ray and I can find small producers’ wine pearls not available in NJ. Almavin has shipped everything in a timely manner at a very low shipping cost.

Barbara | New Jersey
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